IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PASSWORD: Enter your email address ONLY in order to begin. If already registered you will receive an email containing a secure link which can be used to enter our races or ammend previous entries. If this is your first use of our system we will first register you as a user.
IF YOU DO HAVE A PASSWORD: Enter your email address AND password to log in.
Full details in respect of our upcoming race can be found here on GBSKI.com
For more information in respect of , or our races, please email Schools Race Secretary.
For event information including the Race Bulletin, FAQs, the Event Medical Assessment, and event specific T&C, or to book training, visit Precise:
This is the first time that you have requested access to the Race Management System for races organised by this organiser.
Before we can give you access to the site, we need to associate your user with the correct school.
To request access to manage a school team, select the team below and press Submit.
If the school you wish to manage does not appear here, please email: [email protected] stating the name of the school and your relationship to it (Parent / Teacher / etc).
Once approved you will receive an email, following which you will be able to return to this website in order to access the system.
The ESSKIA membership process comprises four steps. The requirements for each step are presented on the right side of this screen. As you complete each step press "submit" and the next step will become visible.
A copy of your Membership Application, Membership Undertaking and Membership Invoice are displayed below.
Please download a copy for your records.
Please arrange payment promptly.
Your membership is NOT VALID and insurance NOT ACTIVE until payment is received.
[Registered Address]
School Name and Address:
[School Contact Title]
[School Contact]
[School Name]
We are pleased to provide you with an invoice in respect of your entries for:
[Race Title]
Quantity | Event | Price per Team (£) | Total (£) |
TOTAL | £[total] |
Incase of query contact: Race Secretary
Payment Details:
Sort Code: [Sort Code]
Account Number: [Bank Account]
Reference: [School Name]
To create an entirely NEW SCHOOL select the 'New School Contact' option and enter data pressing the GREEN button. Email is optional.
To add a NEW USER TO AN EXISTING SCHOOL select the school and enter the EMAIL pressing the GREEN button.
CARE: if you enter an email address here an email will be sent to that address advising the user that they have been added. It may be better to leave empty and enter just the school.
To DELETE a team, selecy the team and hit the RED button.
Teams in '( )'have been PREVIOUSLY DELETED. To RE-INSTATE, select and hit the RED button.
If in doubt, or to remove a user, stop and contact David.
SchoolId | School | Series | ShortCode | Add/Update | ||
To send an email to a school click on the school name and the system will pop out an Email for you. ** BE SURE TO SELECT THE CORRECT 'FROM' ADDRESS ** . To see team forms click on the number of entries.
SchoolId | School | User | Action |
[School Name]
[Race Title]
Compulsory Fields: Kit fields are optional. All other fields MUST be filled.
Photography: Note that operates a 'positive confirmation' policy in respect of Photography. If not selected it will be assumed that you do not consent to photography.
Team Numbers: Teams must have a minimum of 3, maximum of 4 racers.
Completed racers are highlighted in green. Unless highlighted in green the racer will not be saved as part of the team.
To enter a team but specify members later, select the "Details Later" checkbox beneath the team name. You can use this function when you enter before team composition is known, when teams have been partly populated but are not yet to complete, and after teams are complete but still subject to change before final submission.
Illegal teams and teams with the Details Later flag still set when entries close will NOT appear on the start list. Use this function ONLY to help with drafting. If a team is illegal on race day it will be disqualified.
[CAT 0 = LOWER PRIMARY YRS 2,3 & 4; CAT 1 = UPPER PRIMARY YRS 5 & 6] [CAT 2 = LOWER SECONDARY YRS 7,8 & 9; CAT 3 = UPPER SECONDARY YRS 10, 11 & 12]Your documents will appear below. You may retreive these at any time by returning to the Race Entry System. If you make ammendments to your Entry Form or Team Sheet, the documents will be re-generated.